Using aerosol based colors, effect sprays and technical sprays can be the most practical and logical way to coat many surfaces. In most cases, short-term use is unproblematic, however to make your aerosol experience as enjoyable and safe as possible, it is important to observe some important technical and safety points. Keep aerosol products out of reach from children at all times. It is strongly recommended where possible to use aerosol cans in well-ventilated areas. Outdoors in open-air environments is optimal, however opening windows or allowing ventilation in the space your working is also beneficial when working indoors. In the case of working for prolonged periods in closed environments where ventilation is not possible, installation of an exhaust system could be an ideal alternative.
It is always recommend that protective clothing such as masks and gloves be worn when using aerosol products. Before purchasing such safety equipment, consult the place of purchase to ensure the correct features are being offered for the products you are using. In the case of using aerosol paint regularly or for pro-longed periods, it is important to consider that the mask you choose can filter not only dust particles, but also airborne gases. The filtration devises in the mask also need to be interchangeable allowing new clean filters to be installed regularly.
Special attention should be given when applying a lot of aerosol paint over larger surface areas. During the application in this context, a large amount of fine dust particles can be produced (subject to the ambient temperatures during application). Prolonged exposure and consumption of such particles is to be avoided. For people with sensitive skin, irritations may occur when using any aerosol products if parts of the body are exposed to airborne particles and gases. Gloves are essential to prevent absorption of any aerosol product into the skin. If using solvent-based materials, then gloves made of solvent resistant/solvent proof material should be used. For users whom use a lot of aerosol products, we strongly recommend covering any areas of exposed skin with long pants and long sleeved shirts. Protective eyewear, goggles or full-face mask's can also prevent any absorption or irritation of face and eyes.
Aerosol products are contents under pressure. Regardless of whether a product is considered water based or not, it is always important to keep away from extreme heat, out of direct sunlight and away from naked flames to avoid any forms of combustion. Aerosol products unless specifically manufactured for such purpose, are not to be used for or on materials that will be consumed by humans or animals or come in contact with foodstuffs or beverages. If applying to materials that may be used during the consumption of food (e.g. bowls, glasses, plates etc.) ensure no coating is near any surfaces that will come in contact with food or its consumer. Ensure that hands have been thoroughly washed with soap and clean water after use and before handling food.
Over time, in all aerosol products a small amount of gas escapes through the fine seal of the rubber in the cans valve (apx. 2% per year). For correct storage, do not remove the nozzle from the can when not in use. Ideally store each can on its side in a cool dark environment away from areas inhabited by humans or animals. In the case of storing large amounts of aerosol cans at once, please consult your local authorities to learn if guidelines or regulations exist in regard to the storage of aerosol products.
EMERGENCY PHONE: Domestic North America & Canada: 1-800-255-3924