JEPSY - ein Name, ein Mythos, eine Legende. Seine zeitlosen, stilvollen und von New Yorker Styles geprägten Buchstaben haben schon seit den 1990er Jahren Generationen von Writern weltweit beeinflusst. Seine bisherigen Veröffentlichung...
1XRUN X Montana Cans Collaboration
The Montana Cans 1XRUN collabo can, celebrates the 11th anniversary of the Detroit-based 1XRUN publishing house. Supporting artists and collectors of art since 2010, 1XRUN is famous for its limited-edition single-run original artists prints. What better way to signify such a m...
Montana Cans ICONIC SERIES feat. CANTWO – Paying homage to a German graffiti iconThe German Graffiti artist CANTWO has rightfully earned the title of international graffiti icon. For well over three decades, CANTWO has maintained a creative consistency and output that has...
Supreme® X Montana Cans Collaboration
Supreme® X Montana Cans Collaboration
SUPREME® x MontanaCans® Mini Can Set
At first, you notice the red box logo with the white Futura Heavy Oblique text on it. Anyone who is young, a skater, into hip hop, punk, graffiti, streetwear, or anything to do with yout...
BLACK Artist Edition ATOM ONE
The 20th edition of the Montana BLACK Artist Series cans was always going to be a milestone that had to be legendary. That's why we are proud to announce that the featured artist is none other than Atom One. With over 30 years of graffiti history under his belt, Atom has made...
BLACK Artist Edition DEMS
Für die 19. Ausgabe der Montana Cans Artist Edition Dosen sind wir stolz darauf, den spanischen Künstler DEMS zu präsentieren.
DEMS entschied sich dafür, die Montana BLACK Farbe, Ultramarine 5080, neu zu erfinden.
Noch ein weiteres Muss für die Dosen-Sammlung.
BLACK Artist Edition RAGE
Nr. 18. ist da und ab sofort erhältlich! Für die 18. Ausgabe der Montana BLACK ARTIST EDITION Dosen hat "Rage" sich an die wichtigste Farbe der MONTANA BLACK SERIES gewagt - die Black Black 9001. Ab sofort erhätlich und wie immer solange der Vorrat reicht.
BLACK Artist Edition PANTONE
17. Ausgabe der Montana BLACK Artist Can Serie ist ab sofort erhältlich! Wir sind stolz darauf, daß sie von Felipe PANTONE (alias Pant1) designed wurde. Es ist keine Überraschung, dass er seine Lieblingsdose Montana BLACK wählte und die Farbe Infrarot- BLK IN3000. Ab sofort er...
BLACK Artist Edition MOST
The 16th edition of the Montana BLACK Artist Can series is out now! And this time we feature the iconic Hamburg style master, MOST. Originating from the Ruhrgebiet in Western Germany, MOST has been pushing the graffiti envelope since the 1990's. As a founding member of the JBC...
BLACK Artist Edition MINA
The Montana BLACK Artist Edition can series has double the value for Edition 15. We are proud to feature German artist MINA of the highly renowned artistic duo, "MINA and BRUCE". For Edition number 15, MINA has very cleverly combined style with humour for her chosen color BLK6...
BLACK Artist Edition BRUCE
The Montana BLACK Artist Edition can series has double the value for Edition 15. We are proud to feature the Parisian artist BRUCE of the highly renowned artistic duo, "MINA and BRUCE". If the Parisian streets taught BRUCE one thing, it was to be fast! But that wasn't enough f...
BLACK Artist Edition LUGOSIS
The artists in the Montana BLACK Limited Edition artist series cans are as unique as the cans themselves. Each artists has something special, or a special story to offer the series to the benefit of all those lucky people who are able to manage purchasing one or more of the ra...
BLACK Artist Edition FUNC
The next Montana BLACK Artist Edition is out now! No. 13 features the Paris based Graffiti Artist Func’88 who chose the color BLK 3940 Magic out of the Montana BLACK 400ml high pressure Line. Graphic designer, but also graffiti writer and illustrator Func’88 started as it name...
BLACK Artist Edition Rambo
Das Design von Nr. 12 kommt dieses mal von RAMBO aus Moskau. Aus einer der größten Städte der Welt kommend, spielt RAMBO mit Moskaus Kontrasten aus Stadtlichtern und Skyline. Der russische Künstler wählte für seine Artist Edition den Farbton Silverchrome aus der berühmten Mont...
BLACK Artist Edition Buff Monster
Das BUFF MONSTER hat sich in einer Nacht- und Sprühnebel Aktion in die heiligen Hallen von MONTANA CANS eingeschlichen, um die Kontrolle über die Dosenproduktion von P 4000 "Power Pink" zu übernehmen. Ungesehen von unserer Firmen-Security ist es ihm gelungen, sämtliche Dosen d...
BLACK Artist Edition Tristan Eaton
To celebrate the 10th edition of our on going Montana BLACK limited edition artists series, we have this time joined forces with US born artist, Tristan Eaton. Eaton is no stranger to the world of graffiti and mural making. The color of choice was the Montana BLACK, BLK 5...
BLACK Artist Edition DMOTE
What is a DMOTE? Depending on where you come from, the word DMOTE itself can lead to a plethora of pronunciations. But in the graffiti community, there is no confusion of what it is, or rather who! DMOTE is a globally respected Australian born artist who works and resides in N...
BLACK Artist Edition Nawas
The Montana BLACK Artist Edition series has been celebrating top class graffiti artist and their work since its inception. For the 8th installment in the series we have upped the ante by not just featuring the talents of one artist, but that of a whole crew in collaboration! W...
BLACK Artist Edition Aske
For our 7th BLACK artist edition can we asked Russia-based artist Dmitri Aske aka Sicksystems to create the design. It was clear that his influence on the scene writers worldwide would be reflected in his can. His color of choice was our BLK 9100 „Snow White“ . Dur...
BLACK Artist Edition Kaos
The time has come! We are staying on track for our BLACK artists series goal of releasing one can each quarter featuring world renowned artists of our choosing. For our 6th BLACK artist edition can we asked Stockholm-based artist Kaos to create the design. It was clear that hi...
BLACK Artist Edition Formula76
The first can of 2015 has been designed by Formula 76, aptly featuring his favorite color BLK 6080 „Mescaline“, which is also the name of a hallucinogen that is found naturally in the Peyote- Kakus. Benjamin Tibbs, AKA Formula76, is a Hamburg-based style-writer and designer wh...
BLACK Artist Edition Sobekcis
The final can of 2014 was designed by artist duo Sobekcis. The twin brothers, Sobek and Kcis from Belgrade, Serbia, chose our BLK 5125 „Dove“ for their BLACK artist edition can for two reasons: one - because of the name of the color and their passion for the incorporation of t...
BLACK Artist Edition Nychos
There isn’t an artist in the world we would rather have had design the can for our BLK 4230 „Kidney“. Combining Nychos and his anatomically inclined designs to this organ-inspired color was a predestined match. True to the age old saying „no guts, no glory“, the Vienna-based a...
BLACK Artist Edition The Grifters
After being asked to design a BLACK can, the journalist and photographer Good Guy Boris, founder of „The Grifters“ - one of the Internet’s most outstanding graffiti lifestyle blogs - chose our BLK 2093 „Code Red“. Born and raised in the heartlands of Eastern Europe, Boris port...
BLACK Artist Edition Golden Green
For our first BLACK artist can, we chose internationally renowned artist Golden Green who is known for his unique graffiti aesthetics. In contradiction with his name, Golden Green chose our BLK 4060 „Galaxy“, a luscious purple, stating that he likes the color and the room for...
It is hard to believe that the POW! WOW! HAWAII festival has reached 10 years. Time has flown and it seems like only yesterday that we were all blown away by a great concept, amazing murals and a festival driven by the passion of the POW! WOW! team. To celebrate this massive a...
Montana Cans X POW! WOW! Long Beach
This summer we’ve felt inspired to support an excellent collaboration partner and dedicate a very special can for an upcoming occasion: the POW! WOW! Long Beach can, as a symbol of our outstanding teamwork between POW! WOW! and MontanaCans. POW! WOW! is organized by a global a...
Montana Cans X POW! WOW! Hawaii
MONTANA X POW! WOW! - jetzt erhältlich!
in begrenzter Anzahl und nur solange der Vorrat reicht die MONTANA X POW! WOW! Hawaii Dose befüllt mit der Shock Black SH9000 der regulären Montana GOLD.
Montana Cans X POW! WOW! Hawaii
MONTANA-CANS x POW! WOW! HAWAII Limited Collabo series can Hawaii 2016
Montana Cans spray cans stand out due to many factors, not the least of which is the design. For the creation of the sleek litho design, the can has become the canvas. What better way is there to honor arti...
By now everyone has heard the name POW! WOW! Possibily one of the worlds best know street art, mural and art festivals. With its humble origins starting all the way over in Hawaii, U.S.A. Since 2011, co-founders Jasper Wong and Kamea Hadar have made it possible for many places...
Die Dose wurde anlässlich des 30-jährigen Jubiläums (1989-2019) der Band produziert und ist auch Inhalt der 300 Jubiläums-Boxen, welche ab dem 08.12.2019 im Handel erhältlich sind. Die Dose in Montana BLACK-Qualität ist mit der Farbe RABENSCHWARZ (Ravenblack) gefüllt.&nbs...
Montana Store Vienna 1st Anniversary Edition
A good team is everything. When the Vienna based creative consultancy agency "Concrete" suggested they team up with Montana Cans to create the Montana Store Vienna, this team went from strength to strength. In May 2018, the doors of the Montana Store Vienna (MSV) opened with a...
Montana Cans X Jägermeister
Jägermeister knows the beating heart of todays young adult. They also understand that within that creative heart, is graffiti. An art form that brings people together in collaboration, to create and enjoy. To celebrate the Jägermeister...
Montana Cans X Heineken
In celebration of the MontanaCans X Heineken collaboration at Miami Art Week 2015, we have created a limited edition Heineken Green commemorative spray paint can. This can was produced in a small limited quantity exclusively for the Mobile Art Experience at Miami's Art Basel....
Montana Cans X Marsimoto
Our newest edition of our Collabo series is finally hitting the shelves. MARSIMOTO has created a design for his signature color: Green! To be specific, our very own, very new hue: MONTANA MARSIGREEN. If MARSIMOTO had his way, the entire world would be green. MONTANA MARSIGREEN...
Montana Cans X Sneaker Freaker
From fat-laced Clydes in the 70′s, Air Max’s in the 80′s and ZX’s in the 90′s, the bond between graffiti writers and sneakers is undeniable. That’s why we got in touch with the worlds Nr.1 Sneaker Magazine, “Sneaker Freaker”. We asked them to design a limited edition spraycan...
Montana Cans introduces the newest addition to the Montana Cans ICONIC Series. This time the iconic spotlight is on legendary American photographer, Martha Cooper. Famous for her authentic and compassionate documentation of the New York Hip-...
On November 17th 2015 the iconic graffiti artist FUTURA turned 60. To celebrate his birthday and decades worth of artistic output, MONTANA-CANS has created a special can – the FUTURA 2000 Black, as part of the MONTANA-CANS Iconic Series. The can was exclusively produced on a s...
Montana BLACK Bräu
MONTANA BLACK BRÄU - OZAPFT' IS! Just in time for Oktoberfest Season, we present to you the BLACK BRÄU Bavarian Blue, brought to you by Montana-Cans and Flying Fortress - brewed under German Purity Law. Special Edition Can / designed by German Artist Flying Fortress / color to...
Die Montana Black EmojiVandals.
Unsere Montana Black 400ml 1025-Kicking Yellow im exclusiven EmojiVandal Design. Nur die Verpackung ist anders, der Inhalt ist wie gewohnt die hohe Qualität der Montana Black 400ml.
Enorme Deckkraft - hoch pigmentiert - Gut schütteln! MADE IN...
BLACK Artist Edition JEROO
Die 26. Montana BLACK Artist Edition mit dem Stuttgarter Graffiti-Artist JEROO - jetzt erhältlich!
Chris "JEROO" Ganter, der für seine unverkennbare Melange aus Graffiti Styles und figurativen Illustrationen bekannt ist, ziert die 26. Montana BLACK Artist Edition. Die Kollabo...
BLACK Artist Edition Claw Money
BLACK Artist Edition #27 Claw MoneyClaw Money ist berühmt berüchtigt, und das nicht erst seit ihrem Feature im legendären Film Infamy. Auf den Straßen des Big Apple ist sie seit den frühen 1990er-Jahren mit ihren ikonischen Throw-ups präsent. Ihre illustrativen Arbeiten finden...
BLACK Artist Edition INSANE 51
Der Athener Künstler INSANE 51 gestaltet die 28. Montana BLACK Artist Edition! Seine Farbton Wahl ist TR5000 True Cyan aus der Montana BLACK Reihe, bekannt und beliebt für enorme Deckkraft und hohen Druck.
Die anaglyphischen Bildmotive von INSANE 51 setzen sich aus zwei überei...
Montana BLACK 400ml - #STAYSAFE Edition
The words 'Limited Edition Can', mean different things to different people. For some, the words carry limited weight and the color inside the can is what is most important. For others, it means a piece of art that will not be used for its normal function, but instead, becomes...
BLACK Artist Edition LAIA
Die 23. Ausgabe unserer Montana BLACK Artist Edition ist ab sofort erhältlich: Die spanische Künstlerin LAIA, aus Barcelona hat sich den Farbton BLK1030 Kicking Yellow ausgesucht und der Dose eine neue Optik in ihrem bekannten Stil verpasst.
Das allbekannte Smi...
BLACK Artist Edition SMASH 137
Ab sofort erhältlich: Montana BLACK ARTIST EDITION #25, gestaltet vom Schweizer Graffiti Künstler SMASH137. Farbton: SMASH Potato BLK400-1005. Diese limitierte Artist Edition kommt nicht im klassischen BLACK Look einer schwarzen Litho Dose. Bei dieser 25. Artist Edition s...
BLACK Artist Edition SICOER
In his home city of Krakow in Poland, if your head is up and your eyes are open, you will possibly see the talent of SICOER's unique hand styles. Focusing on the raw base element of graffiti, the tag and mixing it with a diverse range of artistic elements including classical c...
BLACK Artist Edition HOW & NOSM
Die 24. Montana BLACK Artist Edition wurde von den in New Yorker lebenden Brüdern HOWNOSM gestaltet! Ihre Wahl fiel auf den BLACK Farbtons P3000 Power Red. Keine Überraschung für uns, da es sich um einen der stärksten und leckendsten Rottöne der Montana BLACK handelt und diese...
Die asiatische Graffiti-Szene ist innerhalb der weltweiten Graffiti-Bewegung einzigartig und tanzt oft nach einem anderen Rhythmus als ihre amerikanischen oder europäischen Kollegen. Dies ist einer der Gründe, warum die Arbeit des malaysischen Graffitikünstlers...